HellO, WOrld!
OMG! It’s finally over! The holiday is gone!
I’m so happy that I can go back to my office, and start a new year of meetings, emails, negotiations, new deals, new ideas, new projects and new surprises for you!
I’m a workaholic, I know, but it’s not my fault. #luckyme
The fault is in the stars! Because I’m a Virgo.
In Zodiac, of course.
And look what Susan Miller, my favorite astrologue, says about us in the January horoscope: „A big theme of the month will center on your work life, which seems to be bursting with activity. You seem to have many assignments as you enter January, and it will be flattering to see how much your company relies on you. You will barely be able to catch your breath from having been away on holiday before you will be expected to dig and concentrate on each task at hand.”
As you can see dear Virgos, it seems that 2015 starts en fanfare for us. And maybe that’s why I wanted to check my office on Sunday. Of course, the building was closed. #whatasurprise
But I’m a workaholic, and those two weeks of holiday were, in my opinion, a little bit too long. I miss my laptop, and my office! My colleagues and the coffee! 🙂
Even if you are not sharing the same zodiacal sign with me, I’m sure that you have the same feeling.
This is not a New Year’s Resolution.
It will be a very long year this year, so let’s make everything better!
I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but I think that we can change our future, even if is already writen in the stars, following a simple rule:
„You must be the change you want to see in the World”. (Ghandi)
And now, let’s get back to work. It’s the first Monday of 2015.
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit:CK Jeans Jacket, Zara trousers, Isabel Marant pour H&M scarf, Dr. Martens boots, Zara gloves, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses, United Colors of Benetton hat.
HellO, WOrld!
Gata! S-a sfarsit! In sfarsit s-a terminat vacanta!
Sunt atat de fericit ca pot sa ma intorc la birou, sa incep un an nou de intalniri, emailuri, negocieri, noi contracte, idei noi, proiecte noi si multe surprize pentru voi!
Sunt un workaholic, stiu, dar nu e vina mea.
Pentru ca sunt nascut in zodia Fecioarei. SI uite ce spune Susan Miller, astrologul meu favorit, in horoscopul lunii Ianuarie pentru Fecioare: „vei fi foarte focusat pe munca, ce iti va atrage toate energiile in aceasta perioada. E un domeniu in care vei fi foarte activ. Vei avea o multime de sarcini de indeplinit in luna Ianuarie si vei fi flatat sa fescoperi cat de mult se bazeaza compania ta pe activitatea pe care o desfasori. Iti va fi foarte greu sa iti tragi rasuflarea dupa vacanta si sa-ti reintrii in ritm, pentru ca vei avea imediat de rezolvat o multime de task-uri, care nu iti vor lasa timp sa te adaptezi.”
Asa cum vedeti, dragi Fecioare, anul 2015 incepe en fanfare pentru noi. Asa ca de asta ieri nu am mai rezistat si am dat o fuga pana la birou. Desigur, cladirea era inchisa, doar era Duminica. Insa v-am spus ca sunt un workaholic si vacanta asta de doua saptamani, in care nu am facut mai nimic, mi s-a parut un pic cam prea lunga. Mi s-a facut dor de laptopul meu, de colegi si de cafeaua de la birou. Si chiar daca multi nu sunteti din acelasi semn zodiacal cu mine, sunt sigur c a aveti acelasi sentiment azi 🙂
Asta nu e o Rezolutie de inceput de an:
Avem un an foarte lung in fata, cu multe provocari, asa ca hai sa facem totul mai bine in 2015!
Nu cred in Rezolutiile de An Nou, dar cred ca putem sa ne schimbam viitorul, chiar daca el este deja scris in stele, urmand o simpla regula:
„Fii chiar tu schimbarea pe care ti-o doresti in lume.” (Ghandi)
Si acum, inapoi la munca!