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A Very Special Date With A Countess

HellO, WOrld!

Ana Morodan is a countess, I’m a Superhero! I could say it’s a perfect match. 😉
What do you think?

Because you must be a Superhero to date Ana Morodan, Not only that she is a Digital Diva, but she is terrible gorgeous in real life. But you know, Superheroes always play hard to get.
Even when they save the life of a countess.
And she wear a terribly sexy red dress.
And red lipstick.
And stilettos.

But, anyway, I found today that she prefer Thor, instead of Batman. I’ve asked why, and Ana said that this GOD (he is not just a regular Superhero, doh) looks a little bit melancholic. And his long hair too, I guess.
Ana also mentioned Poison Ivy, as one of her favorites Superheroes, because she is a little bit evil. And naughty. #akaanamorodan
Thanks God that in real life she thinks that the ones that help other people are the true Superheroes.
And she is one of a kind!

How can you be a Superhero? And date a beautiful girl, of course?


Well, for the beginning, you must know what you have to do.

Superheroes uses the powers that they have to help those who don’t have them.

For example, Batman use his supreme wealth to keep safe the citizens of Gotham City. Spiderman uses his web-slinging awesomeness to keep the people of New York safe. Etc.
Think about what it is that you can give that nobody else can.
It could be your support, a helping hand, time, a small gift or a thank-you note. Or even a smile. Sometimes, even just an emoticon on Facebook Messenger can bring someone out of the darkness and back to the light.
It’s something that YOU have to give that can help another. Be a Superhero!


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style Ovidiu: Robert Both Studio  
Ana is wearing an M.Marquise dress, Parfois bracelets and AEP earrings.

HellO, WOrld!

Ea e contesa, eu sunt Supererou! As putea spune ca suntem cuplul perfect!
Voi ce parere aveti?

Adevarul e ca trebuie sa fii un Supererou ca sa ai sansa unei intalniri romantice cu Ana Morodan. Nu doar ca este The Digital Diva of The Year, dar si in realitate este absolut senzationala. Insa, dupa cum stiti, Supereroii se lasa intotdeauna foarte greu cuceriti.
Chiar si de o contesa.
Care poarta o rochie rosie.
Si un ruj rosu si mai rosu.
Si stilettos. 

Ca sa aflu ce parere are ea despre eroi si superputeri, i-am pus trei intrebari si asa am aflat:

Care este Supereroul tau favorit?

Ana: Ei, fara doar si poate este since ever, Thor. Are o alura melancolica care imi place. Si mai imi place Poison Ivy. E villain, dar o mica doza de obraznicie n-a stricat nimanui.
Ce superputere ti-ar placea sa ai?
Ana: O sa sune ca si un raspuns de la concursurile de Miss, insa mi-as dori sa pot rezolva problemele oamenilor doar cu o miscare de nas. Ca Samantha. Stiu, stiu, ea e vrajitoare, nu super erou, dar are puteri supraomenesti si ea 🙂
Care crezi ca sunt Supereroii in viata reala?
Ana: Oamenii care se gandesc si la ceilalti.


Cum poti sa fii si tu un Supererou? Si sa iesi la intalnire cu fete superbe?

In primul rand, trebuie sa stii foarte bine ce face un astfel de personaj. Si anume: 
Un Supererou isi foloseste puterile pentru a-i ajuta pe cei care nu le au. 

De exemplu, Batman isi foloseste puterile pentru a salva Gotham City, iar Spiderman se foloseste de plasa lui de paianjen pentru a proteja New York-ul. Asa ca gandeste-te la ce ai tu special si pe care ai putea sa-l daruiesti celorlalti. Poate fi o parte din timpul tau, din experienta ta, o mana de ajutor intinsa unui prieten la nevoie, un mic cadou sau o nota de multumire. Chiar si un zambet! 
Cateodata, chiar si un emoticon haios trimis pe Facebook Messenger poate sa scoata pe cineva din depresie si sa-l aduca la lumina.  
Sunt sigur ca exista ceva ce ai putea si tu sa daruiesti. Orice. Fii un Supererou!