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A Bowtie in a Royal Affair Part I

A Bowtie in a Royal Affair Part I

HellO, WOrld!

Ovidiu Muresanu Bowtie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bowtie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bowtie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bowtie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bowtie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bowtie


I have so many things to celebrate this month! It was a great year, with many spectacular projects, beautiful stories, amazing adventures and unforgetable holidays, so I decided, together with my friend, Madalina Spirleanu, which is a very talented designer, to create a special capsule collection of bowties and cufflinks. Just in time for Christmas and New Year’s Eve! I’m very proud about this new project, because I always dreamed to have a collection of unique bowties (you know that I’m quite obsessed by those accessories, don’t you?). So, Madalina helped me, and created a collection of self made bowties, that combines silk with egyptian cotton. The best thing about those bowties is the fact that they have two sides, and you can wear them in different combinations. You can choose to accesorize with The Stories of O. bowties your evening cocktail or black tie outfit, or you can use the other side of the bowtie in a legere combination. It’s your choice! But now you can have a bowtie 2 in 1! And because they are handmade, there is no other simmilar bowtie in the world. Your’s is unique, and you can find the whole collection on Madalina Spirleanu website, in The Stories of O. section.

Well, if you think that I’m done with the surprises, I have to tell you that I have one more. Like a trully gentleman which I am, I always thought that you can’t wear the bowties at a glamorous party, if you are not combining this accesory with cufflinks. So, I decided  togeter with Madalina to create also a collection of fully personalized cufflinks. You can write your name initials on your cufflinks, so, if you have to buy a special present for your beloved one, I think those cufflinks could be the perfect gift. He will never forget you!

So, it’s time to celebrate! I hope you have more reasons than me fot that, and you had an amazing year too! Somebody should bring the champagne! Cheeers!




Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio


HellO, WOrld!

Am atatea de sarbatorit luna asta! Asta pentru ca am avut un an extraordinar, cu o multime de proiecte spectaculoase, povesti frumoase, aventuri minunate si vacante de neuitat! De aceea, am decis sa marchez acest sfarsit de an intr-un mod special, asa ca am rugat-o pe buna mea prietena, Madalina Spirleanu, sa ma ajute sa realizam impreuna o colectie capsula de papioane si de butoni. Chiar in timp pentru petrecerile de Craciun si, mai ales, pentru Revelion! Iar acum sunt teribil de incantat de acest proiect, pentru ca visul meu dintotdeauna a fost sa am o colectie uriasa de papioane unicat, care sa fie toate numai ale mele (mda, banuiesc ca stiti deja ca sunt obsedat de aceste accesorii, mai ceva ca Marius Moga #VoceaRomaniei. Madalina a fost de acord sa-mi implineasca visul, asa ca a creat aceste minunate papioane din matase si bumbac egiptean. Iar ce este senzational la papioanele The Stories of O. este ca au doua fete, si pot fi purtate fie la o tinuta cocktail de seara sau chiar la un outfit black tie – folosind fata din matase a papionului, fie la o tinuta mai lejera, atunci cand alegi fata din bumbac. E perfect, nu? Acum poti avea un papion 2 in 1, semnat The Stories of O.  Si pentru ca toate aceste papioane sunt facute manual, nu va mai exista in toata lumea un papion identic cu al tau. E WOW!

Si daca credeai ca am terminat cu surprizele, ei bine, nu! Mai am una singura. Pentru ca sunt un veritabil gentleman, sunt de parere ca la o petrecere super eleganta nu ai cum sa porti papionul decat accesorizand o camasa cu butoni. Dar cu ce butoni? Pai unii la fel de unici ca si papionul, nu? Asa ca am realizat cu Madalina Spirleanu si o colectie de butoni personalizati. Puteti asfel sa aveti butonii inscriptionati cu initialele voastre. Ale mele sunt O.M.. Ale voastre? In plus, acesti butoni personalizati pot fi cadoul ideal pentru cei dragi. Asa ca daca vreti sa va cuceriti jumatatea si vreti sa nu va uite niciodata, daruiti-i butonii personalizati cu initialele lui.

Well, acum ca am terminat cu surprizele pentru voi, e momentul sa sarbatorim! Sper ca si voi ati avut un an cel putin la fel de bun ca al meu! Sa deschida cineva sampania! La multi ani!


