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A Roman Story

HellO, WOrld!


Exactly 2.000 years ago, Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus ruled over 45 millions of people, from Scotland to Syria. The Roman Empire was at his peak. The most powerfull and civilized state of that time, stretched across Europe, North Africa and Asia. Trajan conquered Dacia ten years earlier, getting his surname: Dacicus.

And probably, if I was born then, my name would have been Ovidius Muro, and I would have love to travel as much as I love it now. And for sure, I would have liked to spend some days in Aspendos, the most important city in Pamphylia, Asia Minor, on my way to Damascus. Because, at that time, Aspendos was a rich roman city, with a very important commercial influence in the region. The city was actually founded by the Greeks that came from Argos, around 600 BC, and the Romans captured it in 190 BC. In the time of Trajan, this ampitheatre wasn’t built yet, it will be raised 150 years after the emperors death by the greek architect Zenon, a native of the city.

So much history, isn’t it? But I’ve been always fascinated by the Greek and Roman civilisations. And now, some of the most well preserved ancient greek and roman cities that you can visit are in Turkey, the World’s largest open air museum. And I was really happy when our friends from Prestige Tours offered me the chance to see this amazing ancient structure, because the Amphitheatre of Aspendos is the best-preserved roman theatre in the world!

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya 2

7.000 people were able to watch shows in the Aspendos Amphitheatre, at that time. And I could only imagine how this place looked like 2.000 years ago, when all the rich families of this city were taking their places in the shade of the vaulted arches waiting for the show to start. But thank God, it’s still used for performances today, so the theater really allows you to imagine what it was like to attend a dramatic performance in Roman times. Of course, I didn’t missed the chance to take some pictures.

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

Ovidiu Muresanu Antalya

It’s a spectacular place, so, if you want to visit it, you must know that Aspendos is 47 km away from Antalya, and 37 km away from Side. Be aware that in high season, this place could be very crowdy, so I suggest you to visit it early in the morning, or in the evening, also because of the heat, that could make you feel quite uncomfortable. Wear a white shirt and sunglesses, and don’t forget to hydrate yourself. And don’t forget your camera!

I was so amazed by this ancient beauty that for a moment I closed my eyes. And suddenly, I started to hear the wind. The same wind that blown here 2.000 years ago, between the arches of the amphitheatre. And I smiled, because for that very moment, I was again Ovidius Muro,the Roman ancient traveler,  waiting for the show to start. In the Amphitheatre of Aspendos.





Outfit: Camasa alba de vacanta by Noemi Meilman & Pineberry, available on Pineberry shop, Tommy Hilfiger Denim jeans, Birkenstock shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses.

Photos of me by Emil Costrut 

Landscape photos by Matei Buta


HellO, WOrld!


Exact acum 2.000 de ani, imparatul Caesar Nerva Traianus conducea destinele a peste 45 de milioane de oameni, din Scotia pana in Siria. Imperiul Roman se afla la apogeul sau. Cel mai civilizat si bine organizat stat din acele timpuri se intindea peste Europa, nordul Africii si Asia. Traian cucerise Dacia cu doar 10 ani in urma, primind supranumele de Dacicus.

Probabil, daca m-as fi nascut atunci, numele meu ar fi fost Ovidius Muro, si mi-ar fi placut la fel de mult sa calatoresc, asa cum imi place si azi. Si cred ca m-as fi oprit cateva zile in Aspendos, cel mai important din Pamphylia, Asia Minor, in drumul meu spre Damasc. Pentru ca Aspendos era la acea vreme un bogat si influent centru comercial si politic din acea regiune a Imperiului Roman. Influenta pe care si-o pastra inca din vremea grecilor argonauti, care il infiintasera in anul 600, inainte de era noastra. Iar in anul 200 i.e.n., el a fost ocupat de romani. In vremea lui Traian, amfiteatrul nu fusese inca ridicat, el urmand sa fie construit abia la 150 de ani dupa moartea imparatului, de catre arhitectul grec Zenon, originar din oras.

O multime de date istorice, nu-i asa? Stiu, sunt cam multe, insa intotdeauna am fost fascinat de civilizatiile antice greaca si romana. Iar acum, unele din cele mai bine pastrate orase antice intemeiate de greci si romani se afla in Turcia, tara ce se promoveaza de altfel, ca fiind cel mai mare muzeu in aer liber din lume. Si chiar are de ce, pentru ca uite aici, la Aspendos, se afla cel mai bine pastrat amfiteatru roman din lume. QED, vorba latinilor. Iar eu trebuie sa le multumesc prietenilor mei de la Prestige Tours, care mi-au oferit sansa de a vedea aceasta constructie antica fascinanta.

7.000 de oameni puteau sa ia loc in arena in acele timpuri. Pot doar sa-mi imaginez cum arata acest loc in urma cu 2000 de ani, cand familiile bogate ale orasului se pregateau sa ia loc in umbra arcelor de piatra, asteptand ca spectacolul sa inceapa. Din fericire, afiteatrul este si astazi folosit pentru spectacole, asa ca, daca veniti vara aici, aveti sansa sa vedeti arenele pline si sa va dati seama cum aratau ele pe vremea romanilor. E un loc foarte spectaculos, asa ca evident ca am facut o multime de fotografii si de snap-uri.

Daca vreti sa ajungeti si voi aici, trebuie sa stiti ca este la circa 50 de km de Antalya si 40 de km de Side, asa ca vorbiti cu agentul vostru de vacanta sa va organizeze si o excursie pana in Aspendos. E pacat sa ratati o intalnire atat de frumoasa cu istoria. Trebuie insa sa fiti foarte atenti, pentru ca in timpul zilei, locul este destul de aglomerat cu grupuri de turisti, asa ca va sfatuiesc sa veniti aici dimineata, sau seara. Asta o sa va ajute sa va feriti si de razele puternice ale soarelui. Daca totusi ajungeti in miezul zilei, purtati o camasa alba, ochelari de soare si nu uitati sa va hidratati. Asta ca sa va puteti bucura la maxim de frumusetea acestui loc.

Eu eram atat de fascinat de frumusetea acestui loc, incat la un moment dat am inchis ochii.Galagia turistilor din amfiteatru a disparut, iar singurele sunete pe care le mai auzeam erau cele scoase de vantul ce trecea printre coloane si arce. Acelasi vant care scotea aceleasi sunete in urma cu 2.000 de ani. Iar atunci am zambit. Pentru ca fie si pentru o clipa, devenisem Ovidiu Muro, celebrul calator roman, ce astepta ca spectacolul sa inceapa. Chiar acolo, in amfiteatrul din Aspendos.

