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A Roman Holiday

Hello, summer kids! Pe unde v-ati relaxat in weekend? Eu abia ce m-am intors de la Londra, unde am avut parte de o vreme superba, si trebuie din nou sa imi fac bagajul. Dar ador sa fac asta! Pentru ca plec intr-o noua calatorie, de data asta la Tel Aviv. Unde nu am mai ajuns pana acum, asa ca abia astept sa ajung si sa fac plaja. 

I wear Scotch&Soda shirt, H&M trousers, Aldo shoes, Zara bag, Patzaikin sunglasses

Dar pana atunci va las cu aceste fotografii facute inainte de vacanta mea londoneza, intr-o zi in care ma simteam pregatit sa ma intalnesc cu Audrey Hepburn. Cred ca lumina de atunci m-a dus cu gandul la filmul Vacanta la Roma pe care il revad mereu la inceputul verii, ca sa intru in atmosfera estivala. Asa ca mi-am imaginat cum as fi plecat pe scuter in cautarea Colosseumului si a Treptelor Spaniole, unde ne-am fi oprit ne indulcim cu gelatto. Si bineinteles, seara am fi ajuns la o petrecere cu mult prosecco.
Desigur, nu s-a intamplat asta. Pentru ca strada Verona nu e in Roma. Dar e o zona atat de frumoasa, incat poti sa te visezi aici in orice alt oras din Europa. Iar mie imi place sa visez. MULT. Pentru ca atunci cand crezi in visele tale foarte mult, ele se implinesc.


PS Stiu ca sunteti curiosi sa aflati cum a fost weekendul meu la Londra, dar va spun doar atat. Am mers zeci de kilometri pe zi, Serban mi-a facut peste 1000 de fotografii,  am schimbat 8 tinute si vreo 20 de locatii.
I love London!

Hello, summer kids! 
I hope you all had a great weekend, cause mine was absolutely fabulous! And it’s not over yet!
Because after few days in London I will fly again, this time to Tel Aviv, a city that I never visited before. So, you can guess, I am sooo over excited about this new adventure! I can’t wait to lay on the beach with a mojito cocktail in one hand and my iPhone in the other one. Taking pictures, of course! No social media for few days, sorry!!!

Anyway, I hope you will like this outfit which I wear in a splendid Sunday, when I was dreaming at Audrey Hepburn and her „Roman holiday”. I never told you before, but I am a dreamer! I love to dream, even with my eyes open. Because I’m sure that, if you truly believe in your dreams, they become real. I’m so cheesy today, isn’t it?


PS I know that you are very curious about my weekend in London! But I will tell you just few things: I walked at least ten miles each day, Serban took me more than 1.000 pics, with 8 different outfits in 20 locations. Crazy! I love London!

 Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio