HellO, WOrld!
There are some good things about Autumn. The city is waking up after the hot Summer season, and now it’s full of energy, events, film and theatre festivals, launches, and …obviously, cars. Well, this one is not a good thing, I hate the traffic that is getting worst and worst every Autumn. I spend at least two hours in a car/day (even if I drive or I use a Taxi or an Uber car) – Yaykkks!!. And the new General Mayor of Bucharest seems to have no idea how to fix this problem. Not that I have any expectations from her. Oops, I’m wrong, she had an idea, to relocate every open air concert or sport event from downtown to..cuca macaii.
Anyway, let’s get back to the good things that we enjoy now, in this warm/not so warm October. Like the new clothes that we want to wear, because it’s a new season, so we must adapt our wardrobes to the new Fashion trends. Of course, I will do that, but in my own way. I will stick to my classic gentleman aproach with a twist. And of course, I will wear bow ties. And because I’m a lucky guy, I have a very good and talented friend, Madalina, who creates hand made bow ties, so we decided to launch a new collection of my favorite accessories! It’s new, it’s fresh, it’s made of silk, and the new The Stories of O. bow tie collection is more elegant than ever!
OK, so you saw me looking like a preacher in the old town of Bucharest, with my black and gold little Bible. Of course, I’m not trying to start a new religion, and that it’s not a Bible. But that book contains the most important rules for a Gentleman. It’s structured in chapters like: A Gentleman From Head To Toe or A Gentleman for All Ocasions, but my favorite one is A Gentleman Is Only Human. And of course it is.
Here are some of the most important rules, that a gentleman should follow, according to „A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up” book, published by Thomas Nelson:
„A gentleman takes care that he looks his best, and dresses his best, every day, since he never knows when he will meet his next major client or the love of his life.”
„A well-dressed gentleman knows that, once he has left a party, it is not his clothes that will be remembered. Instead, his friends, new and old, will comment on the pleasure of his company and the charm of his conversation.”
„A gentleman knows that is HE who has been invited to the party, not his suit.”
„Confronted with clever dress codes, such as Festive Formal or Creative Black Tie, a gentleman has every right to dress as traditionally as he chooses.”
„A gentleman knows that looking confortable is far more important than looking „stylish”. After all, style, without comfort, is impossible.”
And the most important one: „A gentleman ties his own tie.”
So, are you ready to be a perfect gentleman this Autumn?
If the answer is yes, you should know that my bow ties are available now HERE. Find your favorite one, and don’t forget the personalized cufflinks!
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
HellO, WOrld!
Da, sunt o multime de lucruri bune care se intampla toamna. Chiar daca diminetile sunt cam cetoase si imi vine tare greu sa ma dau jos din pat, uite ca Bucurestiul s-a trezit din toropeala si e acum plin de energie, evenimente, festivaluri de film si de teatru, concerte … si masini. Sute de mii de masini blocate in trafic. Mda, asta nu e chiar un lucru bun, ba din contra, pentru ca de la un an la altul, in fiecare toamna, orasul pare din ce in ce mai sufocat. Iar primaria nu pare deloc interesata sa rezolve aceasta problema, ba chiar pare sa incurce si mai mult lucrurile cu lucrari la drumuri neterminate de ani de zile si transport in comun din ce in ce mai sufocat si el. Nu ca m-as astepta la vreo idee din partea doamnei Primar General, neah. Aaaa..stai ca a avut o initiativa, a propus expedierea concertelor mari si a evenimentelor sportive in afara centrului Bucurestiului, undeva pe la Cuca Macaii. Atat.
Anyway, sa revin acum la lucrurile frumoase care ma bucura in acest Octombrie nu foarte calduros. Cum ar fi tendintele in moda, trendurile sezonului, pe care trebuie sa le adaptez cumva stilului meu personal. O sa raman fidel look-ului de gentleman modern si da, voi purta in continuare accesoriile mele preferate, papioanele. Din fericire, prietena mea talentata, Madalina Spirleanu, abia astepta sa realizam impreuna o noua colectie de papioane The Stories of O. E o colectie eleganta, fresh, cu papioane unicat, realizate manual din matase, asa ca arata senzational! Papioanele The Stories of O. sunt, desigur, alegerea ideala pentru a completa outfitul unui gentleman desavarsit.
Daca iti doresti si tu sa arati ca un veritabil gentleman in aceasta toamna, trebuie sa stii ca papioanele semnate de mine le gasesti AICI. Si nu uita sa iti iei si un set de butoni personalizati cu propriile tale initiale. Ei bine, cu accesoriile astea nu ai cum sa dai gres, la orice eveniment de gala ai fi invitat. Mai ai nevoie doar de o atitudine corespunzatoare, dar sunt sigur ca o ai deja. Ca un sfat, pe care l-am gasit in cartea „A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up”, cu care apar in aceste fotografii: „Un gentleman stie intotdeauna ca EL a fost invitat la un eveniment, nu outfitul sau.”