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A Day Like A Holiday

A Day Like A Holiday

Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow, and oh, so mellow…

HellO. World!

Today I will tell you something about my one day getaway at the sea. At the Black Sea.
Since I was a little kid I dreamed at the day when my home will be somewhere on a sea shore and I will spend the evenings taking long walks on the beach and feeding the sea-gulls.


I wear Kris Van Assche vest, Diesel shirt, H&M trousers, ALDO shoes, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses, The Stories of O. bracelet and Folli Follie bracelet

I don’t know why I want so much to live close to the sea, because I was raised somewhere in the North, in the mountains, but yes, this is my dream. Anyway, after a crazy week in the office, and another two hours drive, I found this quiet place in the Marina of Constanta, where I ordered a cappuccino and, my favorite, a cheeesecake! Yes, I’m addicted to cheesecake. And icecream. And chocolate. And cheesecake (again, doh!). But please don’t tell this to my trainer, he will kill me!
Well, sitting there, on the terace, with the wind trying to ruin my beautiful haircut done by Robert, I had a revelation. I realized that somehow, my dream came true, even for few seconds. And sometimes, those seconds are more important than the dream itself.

It is the simple things of life, which are the real ones, after all.


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

HellO. World,

Astazi va povestesc despre ziua la care am visat toata vara. Adica ziua in care am ajuns in sfarsit la mare. 

La Marea Neagra, pentru ca Mediterana am vazut-o de cateva ori anul asta. Insa la noi pe litoral ajung doar in Septembrie, cand agitatia se mai potoleste, iar lumina nu mai e atat de puternica (when life is slow, and oh, so mellow…) Iar acum mi-am imaginat (pentru a mia oara) cum ar fi sa locuiesc pe malul marii. Nu stiu de ce visez la asta inca de cand eram mic copil, pentru ca am crescut in Nord, aproape de munti, dar asta e visul meu. 

Anyway, dupa o saptamana nebuna la birou si doua ore de condus am descoperit acest loc minunat in Marina din Constanta, o terasa numita Bacaro Port. Unde mi-am comandat un cappuccino si da, prajitura mea favorita, un cheesecake! Da, sunt dependent de cheesecake! Si de inghetata, Si de ciocolata. Si de cheesecake (da ,din nou!). Dar va rog sa nu-i spuneti asta lui Alex, amtrenorul meu, o sa ma omoare sau o sa ma puna sa urc 2000 de trepte in Parcul Carol, pana o sa simt ca am murit.
Ei, si cum stateam eu asa pe terasa, cu vantul care imi zapacea parul, am avut o revelatie.Am realizat ca, intr-un fel, visul meu s-a implinit, fie si doar pentru cateva secunde. Si ca aceste secunde sunt mai importante chiar decat visul meu.

Pentru ca in viata, lucrurile simple sunt cele mai importante si mai adevarate.
