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A Bowtie In A Royal Affair Part II

A Bowtie In A Royal Affair Part II

HellO, WOrld!


Ovidiu Muresanu Peles

Ovidiu Muresanu Peles

Ovidiu Muresanu Peles

Ovidiu Muresanu Peles

Ovidiu Muresanu Peles

324.862, 324.861, 324.860… Ooops, I guess I started too early the countdown till the new year.  There are three days left.. Well, it’s understandable, I’m very excited, and I can’t wait to pop-up the champagne! Yes, it will be again a Piper-Heidsieck bottle, like every year. Yeeey! I love buleeee!

Of course, for such a special night I need a very special outfit. Quite black-tie-ish, actually. I think you should always celebrate the New Year’s Eve in style, like a modern Gatsby, in a fabulous place (or palace), with the most exquisite company. Furs, perfumes, expensive jewelleries, black ties, white ties, champagne (again), red lipstick, diamonds, cigars, Miles Davis, candles, crystals and many friends: it must be the perfect party, the one that you waited for the whole year long.

With the right outfit, you definitely won’t be alone at midnight. So, if the invite says „black tie” (or „black tie optional”, or „alternative black tie”) that means „black tie”. That’s why you need a great cut black suit, a unique bow-tie and a pair of cufflinks.  If they are personalized, it’s even better. If you don’t know yet how to tie a bow tie, you should know that it’s not that difficult, it’s like tying your shoelaces. If you need help, watch THIS video, and in 10 minutes you will be an expert. In terms of the tie itself, you can match it with the facing of the suit – satin with satin, grosgrain silk with grosgrain silk – but it can also be an opportunity to something different. A different texture or feel can look great but I wouldn’t go into different colors or prints.

And I have the perfect bow ties and personalized cufflinks for you, my capsule collection created together with Madalina Spirleanu, my talented friend. The bow ties are made of exquisite materials, chosed by me, like silk and Egyptian cotton, and they are hand made,  so every bow tie is unique. Like you should be at the New Year’s Eve Party! Find the entire The Stories of O. Collection on Madalina Spirleanu website, and pick your favorite! Now you can be a Jay Gatsby! Are you ready to party? Let’s celebrate 2016 in style!


Happy New Year!



Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio


HellO, WOrld!


324.862, 324.861, 324.860… Ooops, cred ca am inceput numaratoarea inversa prea devreme, mai sunt totusi 3 zile pana trecem in 2016! Dar ce sa fac, daca sunt asa de emotionat si incantat ca se apropie cea mai importanta noapte a anului: Petrecerea de Revelion! Abia astept sa deschid sampania! O sa fie din nou o sticla de Piper-Heidsieck, la fel ca in fiecare an! Si da, iubesc bulele!

Desigur, pentru o astfel de noapte speciala am nevoie de un outfit la fel de special. Unul black-tie, desigur! Cred ca intotdeauna trebuie sa celebrezi intrarea in Noul An intr-un mod cat mai stylish, ca un Gatsby modern, intr-un loc fabulos (un palat, poate) si intr-o companie cat mai selecta. Blanuri, parfumuri rare, bijuterii stralucitoare, black-tie, white-tie, sampanie (din nou!), ruj rosu, diamante, trabucuri, Miles Davis, lumanari, cristale si multi multi prieteni – nimic nu poate lipsi de la cea mai importanta petrecere a anului, cea pe care o astepti de atata timp!

Iar cu outfitul potrivit, sigur nu te va prinde ora 12 singur! Asa ca, daca pe invitatie scrie Black-Tie (sau „Black-Tie optional” sau „Alternative Black-Tie”), asta inseamna Black-Tie. De aceea vei avea nevoie de un costum perfect taiat, inchis la culoare sau negru (si mai bine), un papion unicat si o pereche de butoni. Daca sunt personalizati, cu atat mai bine! Daca inca nu stii cum se leaga un papion (uff), afla ca nu e deloc complicat, e ca si cum te-ai lega la sireturi, Daca o sa te uiti la video-ul ASTA, in 10 minute o sa fii expert si nu va mai trebui sa-ti faci griji.

Si iti mai intind o mana de ajutor, pentru ca am pregatit, impreuna cu talentata mea prietena, Madalina Spirleanu, o colectie capsula de papioane si butoni, special pentru petrecerea de Revelion. Papioanele sunt facute din materiale exceptionale, alese chiar de mine, cum ar fi matasea si bumbacul egiptean, si fiecare dintre ele este unic, pentru ca sunt cusute manual. Asa ca vei fi si tu unic in noaptea de Revelion, mai ales daca vei purta si butonii personalizati cu initialele tale, din colectia The Stories of O. Trebuie doar sa intri pe site-ul si sa-ti alegi papionul preferat. Asa vei fi un Jay Gatsby veritabil! Are you ready to party? Ne vedem la palat!

Happy New Year!

