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3 Life lessons we should learn today


London Tee from „InLOVE with Magic Cities” available on Molecule-F, Scotch & Soda trousers, Converse sneakers, Illesteva sunglasses

Frumusetea sta în ochii privitorului
Desigur, intalnim oameni pe care toata lumea ii considera atractivi. Nu e vina lor. Le e scris in gene. Sau, poate, sunt asa pentru ca merg mai des la sala. La antrenament, nu pentru a socializa. Dacă nu va simtiti inclusi in această categorie, nu disperati. Intr-o zi veti intalni persoana pentru care veti fi cea mai frumoasa creatura din Univers.

Sa-i judecam pe altii e so last Millennium. Trăim într-o lume in care unele femei au barbă, iar unii barbati poartă rochii. Obisnuieste-te cu asta.

Iubirea este peste tot, în jurul nostru. Dar nu vei gasi iubirea daca te plangi mereu de cei din jur. El sau ea te poate auzi. Zambeste, si va fi mai bine. 

Astazi port cu drag tricoul Londra, din colectia „InLOVE with Magic Cities„, realizata de Razvan Firea impreuna cu Noemi Revnic (Placerile lui Noe). 


Proiectul Friday is in LOVE with O. e realizat in colaborare cu Molecule F

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Of course, there are some people generally considered as attractive. It’s not their fault. It’s in their genes. Or maybe they are going more often to the gym. To workout, not to socialize. Anyway, even if you are not included in this category, don’t become and act desperate. Someday you will meet that person that will see you as the most beautiful creature in the Universe.

Judging other people it’s so last Millennium. We live in a world were women have beards and men are wearing dresses. Deal with it.

Love is all around. But you won’t find love if you are always complaining about others. Maybe he/she can hear you. Smile, it will work better. 

Today I’m wearing London, from the In LOVE with Magic Cities Collection, by Razvan Firea & Noemi Revnic (Placerile lui Noe). 


The project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to romanian designers.

Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio